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About Coral Springs Appraisal

At Coral Springs Appraisal, we stand by our appraisal reports and pride ourselves on accuracy and timeliness.

Our Process

We contact the borrower as soon as possible, so that we can get the process started. We maintain a high level of communication, so you won't wonder when you will get your appraisal report. We rely upon up-to-date technology and data in order to ensure accurate and rapid appraisal services. Most appraisal reports are delivered via email within 1-2 business days from the date of inspection.

Our Standards

Our appraisers are highly qualified and state certified. We do not staff trainees or apprentices. We provide quality reports while still maintaining a rapid turnaround time.


All appraisers are state certified, meet continuing education requirements, and have extensive experience analyzing property in the area.

All Appraisers are Certified, Licensed and FHA approved


Call Coral Springs Appraisal at 954-427-4224 today!